Biographical sketch and publications list
Short bio paragraph:
Gilbert Achcar is Emeritus Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at SOAS, University of London. His many books include: The Clash of Barbarisms: The Making of the New World Disorder; Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy, with Noam Chomsky; The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives; The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising; and The New Cold War: The United States, Russia and China, from Kosovo to Ukraine. [78 words]
Longer bio paragraph:
Gilbert Achcar was born in Senegal in 1951, grew up in Lebanon, lived in Paris (1983-2003) and Berlin (2003-2007), and has been based in London since 2007. He graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Lebanese University (Beirut), and the Ecole Supérieure des Lettres de Beyrouth (Université Lyon-II), and completed a PhD in Social History / International Relations at Université Paris 8. Prior to London, he was teacher and/or researcher in Beirut (Faculty of Social Sciences, Lebanese University), Paris (American University of Paris and Université Paris 8) and Berlin (Centre Marc Bloch, CNRS). He is now Emeritus Professor of Development Studies and International Relations at SOAS, University of London (Department of Development Studies). His many books include: The Clash of Barbarisms: The Making of the New World Disorder (2002, 2006); Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy, with Noam Chomsky (2007, 2009); The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives (2010, 2011); Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism (2013); The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising (2013, 2022); Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in The Arab Uprising (2016); and The New Cold War: The United States, Russia and China, from Kosovo to Ukraine (2023). [196 words]
NB: I am not the author of the Wikipedia pages about me. They include inaccuracies and reflect the particular interests of those who intervened in drafting them rather than objective criteria.
نبذة موجزة
جلبير الأشقر أستاذ (بروفيسور) في دراسات التنمية والعلاقات الدولية في معهد الدراسات الشرقية والأفريقية (سواس) في جامعة لندن. له كتب عديدة، منها صدام الهمجيات؛ السلطان الخطير: السياسة الخارجية الأميركية في الشرق الأوسط، مع نعوم تشومسكي؛ العرب والمحرقة النازية: حرب المرويات العربية-الإسرائيلية؛ الشعب يريد: بحث جذري في الانتفاضة العربية؛ والحرب الباردة الجديدة: الولايات المتحدة وروسيا والصين، من كوسوفو إلى أوكرانيا
نبذة أطول
جلبير الأشقر، ولد في السنغال في عام 1951 ونشأ في لبنان، ثم عاش في باريس (1983-2003) وبرلين (2003-2007) قبل أن يستقر في لندن منذ عام 2007. تخرّج من معهد العلوم الاجتماعية في الجامعة اللبنانية ومدرسة الآداب العليا في بيروت (التابعة لجامعة ليون الثانية في فرنسا)، وحصل على دكتوره في التاريخ الاجتماعي-العلاقات الدولية من جامعة باريس الثامنة. قبل لندن، عمل كمدرّس أو باحث في بيروت (معهد العلوم الاجتماعية في الجامعة اللبنانية) وباريس (الجامعة الأميركية في باريس وجامعة باريس الثامنة) وبرلين (مركز مارك بلوخ، التابع للمركز الوطني للبحث العلمي، فرنسا). وهو حالياً أستاذ (بروفيسور) في دراسات التنمية والعلاقات الدولية في معهد الدراسات الشرقية والأفريقية (سواس) في جامعة لندن. له كتب عديدة، منها صدام الهمجيات: الإرهاب والإرهاب المقابل والفوضى العالمية (2002)؛ السلطان الخطير: السياسة الخارجية الأميركية في الشرق الأوسط، مع نعوم تشومسكي (2007)؛ العرب والمحرقة النازية: حرب المرويات العربية-الإسرائيلية (2010)؛ الماركسية والدين والاستشراق (2015)؛ الشعب يريد: بحث جذري في الانتفاضة العربية (2013)؛ انتكاسة الانتفاضة العربية: أعراض مرضية (2016)؛ والحرب الباردة الجديدة: الولايات المتحدة وروسيا والصين، من كوسوفو إلى أوكرانيا (2024).
The New Cold War: The United States, Russia and China, from Kosovo to Ukraine, English (original), Haymarket, Chicago, IL, and Westbourne Press, London [356 p.]
- Albanian: Ombra GVG, Tirana, 2023 / French: Ed. Du Croquant, Vulaines, 2023 / Arabic: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2024.
The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising, 2nd English edition with a new Preface, Saqi Books, London [415 p.]
Huragan w świecie arabskim, Hungarian (original collection), Książka i Prasa, Warsaw [154 p.].
Le Choc des barbaries. Terrorismes et désordre mondial, 3rd French edition augmented (2006 chapter of the English edition), with a new foreword, Syllepse, Paris [178 p.].
Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising, English (original), Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, and Saqi Books, London [228 p.]
- Arabic: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2016 / French: Actes Sud/Sindbad, Paris, 2017 / Japanese: Tsuge Shobo Shinsha, Tokyo, 2018.
Marxism, Orientalism, Cosmopolitanism, English (original), Saqi Books, London, and Haymarket, Chicago [175 p.]
- French: Actes Sud/Sindbad, Paris, 2015 / Arabic: Dar al-Adab, Beirut, 2015 / Spanish: Bellaterra, Barcelone, 2016 / Turkish: Ayrinti Yayinlari, 2019.
The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising, English, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, and Saqi Books, London [358 p.]
- French: (original), Le Peuple veut. Une exploration radicale du soulèvement arabe, Actes Sud/Sindbad, Paris, 2013 [431 pp.] (awarded Phoenix Prize) / Arabic: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2013 (2nd printing, 2014) / Turkish: Ayrinti Yayinlari, Istanbul, 2014 / Persian: Nashr Bidar, Vienna, 2016 / Spanish, with a new Preface: Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, 2021.
Eichmann au Caire et autres essais, French, Actes Sud/Sindbad, Paris [109 p.]
The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives, English, Metropolitan, New York, and Saqi Books, London [386 p.]
- English paperback: Picador, New York, and Saqi Books, London, 2011 / French (original): Les Arabes et la Shoah. La guerre israélo-arabe des récits, Actes Sud/Sindbad, Paris, 2009 [525 p.] / Arabic: Al-Markaz al-Qawmi lil-Targama, Cairo, and Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2010 / German: Nautilus, Hamburg, 2012 / Spanish: Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, 2016 / Hebrew: Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, 2017.
Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy, War, and Justice, co-authored with Noam Chomsky, edited by Stephen R. Shalom, 2nd augmented English edition, Paradigm Publishers, Boulder (Co.) [319 p.]
- Korean: Sakyejul, Seoul, 2009 / Persian: banned by Iranian censorship, posted online in 2012.
Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy. Dialogues on Terror, Democracy, War, and Justice, co-authored with Noam Chomsky, edited by Stephen R. Shalom, English (original), Paradigm Publishers, Boulder (Co.) and Hamish Hamilton (Penguin), London [276 p.]
- Spanish: Paidós, Madrid, 2007 / Turkish: Ithaki, Istanbul, 2007 / Arabic: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2007 / French: Fayard, Paris, 2007 / Greek: Polytropon, Athens, 2007 / Italian: Palomar, Bari, 2007 / English paperback, Penguin Books, London, 2008.
The 33-Day War: Israel’s War on Hezbollah in Lebanon and its Consequences, with Michel Warschawski, English (original), Paradigm Publishers, Boulder (Co.) and Saqi Books, London [110 p.]
- French: La guerre des 33 Jours : La guerre d’Israël contre le Hezbollah au Liban et ses conséquences, avec Michel Warschawski, Textuel, Paris, 2007 / Italian: Edizioni Alegre, Rome, 2007 / Spanish: Icaria, Madrid, 2007 / Arabic: Dar al-Saqi, Beirut, 2007 / German: Nautilus, Hamburg, 2007 / Greek: Polytropon, Athens, 2007 / Turkish: Yazin Yayincilik, Istanbul, 2007.
The Clash of Barbarisms: The Making of the New World Disorder, 2nd English edition with a new foreword and a new chapter, Saqi Books, London, and Paradigm Publishers, Boulder (Co.) [192 pp.]
- Italian: Edizioni Alegre, Rome, 2006 / Greek: Polytropon, Athens, 2006 / Spanish: Icaria, Madrid, 2007 / Spanish: Capital Intelectual, Buenos Aires, 2009 / Turkish: Ithaki, Istanbul, 2012.
The Israeli Dilemma: A Debate between Two Left-Wing Jews. Letters between Marcel Liebman and Ralph Miliband, Selected, with an introduction and epilogue by Gilbert Achcar, English, Merlin Press, London [82 pp.]
- French (original): Le dilemme israélien. Un débat entre Juifs de gauche. Lettres de Marcel Liebman et Ralph Miliband. Sélection, introduction et épilogue de Gilbert Achcar, Page deux, Lausanne, 2006 [94 pp.] / Turkish, Yazin Yayincilik, Istanbul, 2008.
Le Choc des barbaries. Terrorismes et désordre mondial, 2nd French edition with a new afterword, 10/18, Paris [190 pp.]
- Japanese: Sakuhinsha, Tokyo, 2004.
Eastern Cauldron: Islam, Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq in a Marxist Mirror, English, Monthly Review Press, New York, and Pluto Press, London, 2004 [287 pp.]
- French (original): L’Orient incandescent. Le Moyen-Orient au miroir marxiste, Page Deux, Lausanne (Switzerland), 2003 [352 pp.] / Arabic: Dar al-Saqi, Beyrouth-London, 2004 / Turkish: Ithaki, Istanbul, 2004 / Italian (augmented ed.), Shahrazad, Rome, 2009 / Urdu, Jamhoori Publication, Lahore, 2011 / Persian, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Charleston, SC, 2014.
The Clash of Barbarisms: September 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder, English, Monthly Review Press, New York, 2002 [128 pp.]
- Le Choc des barbaries. Terrorismes et désordre mondial, French (original), Complexe, Brussels, 2002 [166 pp.] / Arabic: Dar At-Talia, Beirut, 2002 / Chinese: Dong Fang, Beijing / German: Neuer ISP Verlag, Köln, 2002 / Turkish: Everest, Istanbul, 2002 / Indian: (in English), Bagchi, Kolkata, 2003 / Persian: Jedal, Hamburg, 2003, and Akhtaran, Tehran, 2005 / Swedish: Röda Rummet, Stockholm, 2003 / Taiwanese: Think, Taipeh, 2004.
La Nouvelle Guerre froide. Le monde après le Kosovo, French (original), Presses universitaires de France, Paris [111 pp.]
- English: included in Tariq Ali, ed., Masters of the Universe?, Verso, London-New York, 2000 [pp. 57-144] / Rumanian: Corint, Bucarest, 2001 / Turkish (in Turkish ed. of Masters of the Universe?), OM Yayinevi, Istanbul, 2001.
2017 Sovereignty and Development, Arabic (original) with English translation, Arab Forum for Alternatives and RLS, Cairo [32 p.].
Arbeitsmarkt, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Familienpolitik und die Geschlechterfrage – deutsch-französische Konvergenzen und Divergenzen, German, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Berlin [100 pp.]
- Co-editor with Dagmar Simon and Mechthild Veil
- Co-author of Introduction [pp. 5-10].
L’Atlas du Monde diplomatique, French (original), Le Monde diplomatique, Paris [194 pp.]
- Co-editor with Alain Gresh, Jean Radvanyi, Philippe Rekacewicz and Dominique Vidal
- Co-author [pp. 36-37, 96-97, 114-115, 138-139, 152-153, 156-157]
- Several translations.
Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial, French, dossier d’Actuel Marx, n. 33, 1st Semester 2003, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris [pp. 15-120]
- Editor; co-author with Samir Amin, Noam Chomsky, Gérard Duménil, John Bellamy Foster, Paolo Gilardi, Dominique Lévy, Harry Magdoff and Robert W. McChesney
- “Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien” [pp. 15-24].
L’introuvable « troisième voie » social-libérale, French, dossier de Variations, n. 2, 2d Semester 2001, Syllepse, Paris [pp. 7-177]
- Editor; co-author with Denis Berger, Keith Dixon, Detlef Hensche, Philippe Marlière, John Mason, Gerassimos Moschonas, Costanzo Preve and Stavros Tombazos
- “Présentation” [pp. 11-12]; “La ‘troisième voie’ ou le néolibéralisme à visage souriant” [pp. 11-30, republished online at ContreTemps, 19 March 2018, under the title “La social-démocratie européenne : de l’impasse au déclin”].
L’Hégémonie américaine, dossier d’Actuel Marx, n. 27, 1st Semester 2000, French, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris [pp. 13-131]
- Editor; co-author with Giovanni Arrighi, Noam Chomsky, James Cohen, Peter Gowan, Fredric Jameson and Larry Portis
- “D’un siècle américain à l’autre : entre hégémonie et domination” [pp. 13-22]
- Spanish: La Hegemonia Norteamericana, Marx 2000, Vol. III, Kohen & Asociados Internacional, Buenos Aires.
The Legacy of Ernest Mandel, English, Verso, London-New York, 1999 [270 pp.]
- Editor; co-author with Robin Blackburn, Norman Geras, Michel Husson, Francisco Louçã, Michael Löwy, Charles Post and Catherine Samary
- “Introduction. Ernest Mandel (1923-1995) : un portrait intellectuel” [pp. 3-15]
- French: Le Marxisme d’Ernest Mandel, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris [239 pp.] / German: Neuer ISP Verlag, Köln, 2003 / Japanese: Tsuge Shobo Shinsha, Tokyo, 2000 / Turkish: Yazin Yayincilik, Istanbul, 1999.
2023 “The Crisis of Neoliberal Capitalism”
- in Talking About Global Inequality: Personal Experiences and Historical Perspectives, edited by Christian Olaf Christiansen et al., Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (Switzerland) [pp. 89-95].
2021 “Colonialisme/Impérialisme/Orientalisme”
- in Histoire globale des socialismes XIXe-XXIe siècles, edited by Jean-Numa Ducange, Razmig Keucheyan, and Stéphanie Roza, Presses universitaires de France (PUF), Paris [pp. 109-122].
2020 “Religion”
- in The Marx Revival: Key Concepts and New Interpretations, edited by Marcello Musto, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [pp. 320-337].
2019 “Il regime controrivulozionario di Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi”
- in Minnena. L’Egitto,l’Europa e la ricercar dopo l’assassinio di Giulio Regeni, edited by Lorenzo Casini, Daniela Melfa and Paul Starkey, Mesogea, Messina [pp. 40-51].
2019 “Marx and the Middle East”
- in The Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx, edited by Matthew Vidal et al., Oxford University Press, Oxford (in print, and at Oxford Handbooks Online since 2018).
2019 “Al-Idtihad al-‘Unsuri wa Irtikab Mithlihi fi Siaq Isti‘mari”
- in Mi’at ‘Am ‘ala Tasrih Balfour, edited by Maher al-Sharif, Institute for Palestine Studies, Beirut [pp. 159-167].
2018 “Mulahazat hawl al-Dawla wal-Thawra fi al-Mintaqa al-‘Arabiyya”
- in Takfik al-Thawra: Dirasat hawl al-Intifida al-Misriyya wal-Rabi‘ al-‘Arabi, edited by Tamer Wagih, Dar al-Maraya, Cairo [pp. 23-54].
2018 “Palestine and the Arab Upheaval: Can Palestine still inspire the Arab world?”
- in Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine’s Toughest Questions, edited by Jamie Stern-Weiner, OR Books, New York [pp. 391-396].
2018 “Arab Reactions to Nazism and the Holocaust: Scholarship and the ‘War of Narratives’”
- in Nazism, the Holocaust, and the Middle East: Arab and Turkish Responses, edited by Francis R. Nicosia and Boğaç Ergene, Berghahn, Oxford and New York [pp. 23-41].
2017 “Social Justice and Neoliberalism”
- in Towards Socially Just Development in the MENA Region, edited by Salam Said, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Tunis [pp. 18-29].
2017 “The Transition from Capitalism”
- in The Transition from Capitalism: Marxist Perspectives, edited by Saeed Rahnema, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland (responses by various authors to various questions by the editor throughout the book) [208 p.].
2016 “La France renoue avec l’état d’exception”
- in Etat d'urgence démocratique, edited by Marie Grillon and Hugo Touzet, Editions du Croquant, Vulaines-sur-Seine [pp. 57-62].
2015 “Fascism in the Middle East and North Africa”
- in The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History, edited by Amal Ghazal and Jens Hanssen, Oxford University Press, Oxford (published at Oxford Handbooks Online since September, forthcoming in print) [12 p.].
2015 “Le conflit des solidarités dans le monde arabe”
- in La Solidarité. Enquête sur un principe juridique, edited by Alain Supiot, coll. Collège de France, Odile Jacob, Paris [pp. 213-220].
2014 The Holocaust & the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives: Critical Dialogues with Gilbert Achcar, edited by Nader Hashemi, with Nader Hashemi, Ira Chernus and Adam Rovner, University of Denver, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, Center for Middle East Studies, Occasional Paper Series, no. 3, Denver [23 pp.].
2014 “La cause des Palestiniens”
- in Pour les Palestiniens. Manifeste, edited by Rony Brauman, Autrement, Paris [pp. 56-65].
2013 “Nota bene: Edward Said and Avraham Burg: Two Free Voices”
- in A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day, edited by Abdelwahab Meddeb and Benjamin Stora, Princeton University Press, Princeton [pp. 543-545]
- French edition: Histoire des relations entre juifs et musulmans des origines à nos jours, Albin Michel, 2013.
2012 “Le soulèvement arabe entre revolution et contre-révolution”
- in La cassure. L’état du monde 2013, edited by Bertrand Badie and Dominique Vidal, La découverte, Paris [pp. 123-129].
2012 “The United States in the Middle East”
- in Weapon of the Strong: Conversations on US State Terrorism, edited by Cihan Aksan and Jon Bailes, Pluto, London [pp. 173-191].
2011 “The Allon Plan and the Impediments to Palestinian Statehood”
- in Perspectives Beyond War and Crisis III: What Kind of Palestinian State for What Kind of Peace?, VIDC, Vienna [pp. 73-91].
2010 “Kosmopolitismus, moderner”
- in Historisch-kritisches Wörterbuch des Marxismus, 7 II, Institut für kritische Theorie (Inkrit), Berlin [pp. 1892-1926].
2010 “Antisémitisme et négationnisme dans l’Orient arabo-musulman” and “Nakba”
- in Dictionnaire des racismes, de l’exclusion et des discriminations, edited by Esther Benbassa, Larousse, Paris [pp. 143-146, 497].
2009 “Stability and Instability in Egypt: A Closer Look at Recent Egyptian Growth”
- in Claves de la Economía Mundial, 9ª edición, Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), Madrid [pp. 455-461].
2009 “Por detrás da crise de Gaza – entrevista com Gilbert Achcar”
- in Do Muro das Lamentações ao Muro do Apartheid, Fim de Século, Lisbon [pp. 97-114].
2008 “Azmat al-Qiyāda wa al-Badā’il”
- in Al-Yasār al-‘Arabi fi Muwājahat al-‘Awlama al-Niulibirāliyya, Al-Fārābi, Beirut [pp. 94-102].
2007 “Religion and Politics Today from a Marxian Perspective”
- in Global Flashpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Neoliberalism, Socialist Register 2008, Fernwood Publishing, Halifax (Canada), Merlin Press, London, and Monthly Review Press, New York [pp. 55-76].
2007 “The United States Should Withdraw from Iraq”
- in The Middle East (Introducing Issues With Opposing Viewpoints), edited by Lauri Friedman, Greenhaven, Farmington Hills (MI) [pp. 85-90].
2007 “Marxism, its Outsiders Kracauer and Mills and the Sociology of Office Workers”
- in Gespenst Subjekt (in German), edited by jour fixe initiative berlin, UNRAST-Verlag, Münster [pp. 39-79].
2007 “Ikhfāq al-Mashru‘ al-Tanwīri fi al-Mintaqa al-‘Arabiyya wa Shurūt Istinhādihi’
- in Azmat al-Nizām al-‘Arabi wa Ishkāliyyāt al-Nahda (Arabic), with Maher Cherif, Burhan Ghalioun and Karim Mroué, Al-Intishar al-Arabi, Beirut [pp. 99-112].
2006 “Reactions to the Nazi Judeocide in the Arab Middle East”
- in Storia della Shoah. La crisi dell’Europa, lo sterminio degli ebrei e la memoria del XX secolo (in Italian), edited by Marina Cattaruzza, Marcello Flores, Simon Lewis Sullam and Enzo Traverso (Scientific Board: Omer Bartov, Philippe Burrin, Dan Diner and Saul Friedlander), UTET, Turin, vol. 2. [pp. 869-900].
2006 “Seven Theses on the Current Period, the War and the Anti-War Movement”
- in Crimes of War: Iraq, edited by Richard Falk, Irene Gendzier and Robert Jay Lifton, Nation Books, New York [pp. 315-322].
2006 “The Clash of Barbarisms”
- in The Geopolitics Reader, 2d ed., edited by Gearoid O. Tuathail, Simon Dalby and Paul Routledge, Routledge, London [pp. 270-274].
2006 Three contributions in the 2d edition of L’Atlas, Le Monde diplomatique, Paris [pp. 42-43, 50-51 et 54-55].
2005 “Libanon: die gefährlichen Auswirkungen der US-Einmischung”
- Interview, in Nahost Reader, Achse des Friedens, Berlin, [pp. 12-16].
2005 “Guerre impériale et guerre sociale : trois propositions et une espérance”
- in Guerre impériale Guerre sociale, edited by Jacques Bidet, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris [pp. 27-30].
2004 “Empire”
- in Notionnaire, vol. 1, Encyclopaedia Universalis, edited by Christian Hermansen, Encyclopaedia Universalis, Paris [pp. 325-326].
2004 “Le Nouvel Ordre Impérial ou la mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien”
- in Violences impériales et lutte de classes, edited by Jérôme-Alexandre Nielsberg, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris [pp. 47-59].
2004 L’Empire de la guerre permanente
- edited by Attac, Mille et une nuits, Paris.
2003 “Marx et Engels face à la guerre”
- in Marx contemporain, edited by Arnaud Spire, Syllepse, Paris [pp. 171-184].
2002 “La mondialisation de l’Empire états-unien”
- in L’Avenir du marxisme, proceedings of the colloquium organized by the Korean Political Science Association, Seoul, 27-28 September 2002 – in French and Korean translation [pp. 322-361].
2002 “La militarisation du monde et les nouvelles conditions de la paix”
- in Mondialisation des résistances. L’état des luttes 2002, edited by Samir Amin and François Houtart, Forum mondial des alternatives, L’Harmattan, Paris [pp. 257-266].
2002 “The Clash of Barbarisms”
- in Kritik des Gewalt Friedenspolitik im Zeichen von Krieg und Terror, edited by Anita Bilek, Wilfried Graf and Alexander Neumann, Promedia, Vienna [pp. 40-71]
- in Sahibini Arayan Bariş, edited by Masis Kürkçugil, Everest, Istanbul.
2000 “L’esprit (et le budget) d’une nouvelle guerre froide”
- in Les États-Unis s’en vont-ils en guerre, edited by Paul-Marie De La Gorce, GRIP-Complexe, Brussels [pp. 75-84].
2000 “La Commune de Paris – 1871”, “La révolution russe de 1905” and “La guerre d’Espagne – 1936”
- Three studies in Révolutions, edited by Michael Löwy, Hazan, Paris [pp. 23-33; 69-77; 355-367].
2000 “Paix et sécurité”
- in Histoire et sens de la construction européenne, French Ministry of European Affairs [pp. 228-230].
1999 “Le monde selon Washington”
- in Les États-Unis, maîtres du monde ?, edited by Henri Lelièvre, Complexe, Brussels [pp. 133-144].
1999 “Coup d’État et mouvement populaire”
- in Octobre 1917. Causes, impact, prolongements, edited by Bruno Drweski, Presses universitaires de France, Paris [pp. 14-20].
1997 “Du réformisme aux indépendances”
- in Histoire du monde arabe, website of Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris [].
1997 Interview with Oral Çalislar on Islamic fundamentalism
- in Fethullah Gulen'den Cemalettin Kaplan'a: Islamiyet uzerine soylesiler, edited by Oral Çalislar, Pencere Yayinlari, 1. baski edition, Istanbul.
1997 “Engels, penseur de la guerre, penseur de la révolution”
- in Friedrich Engels, savant et révolutionnaire, edited by Georges Labica and Mireille Delbraccio, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris [pp. 139-160].
2021 Preface to Hicham Safieddine, ed, Arab Marxism and National Liberation: Selected Writings of Mahdi Amel, Brill, Leiden [pp. ix-xi].
2017 Preface to Anna Maria Di Tolla and Ersilia Francesca, eds, Emerging Actors in Post-Revolutionary North Africa: Gender Mobility and Social Activism, Studi Magrebini, NS, Vol. XIV, Napoli [pp. 9-10].
2015 Preface to Maxime Rodinson, Marxism and the Muslim World, Zed Books, London, [pp. ix-xi].
2013 Preface to Caroline Rooney and Rita Sakr, eds., The Ethics of Representation in Literature, Art, and Journalism: Transnational Responses to the Siege of Beirut, Routledge, London [pp. xv-xvii]
- Arabic translation in the Arabic edition of the same book, Dar al-Adāb, Beirut, 2015 [pp. 13-18].
2009 Preface to Cinzia Nachira, Identità e Conflitto. Il Caso Israelo-Palestinese (in Italian), Shahrazad, Rome [pp. 7-9].
2007 Preface to ‘Afīf Farrāj, The Oriental Roots of Greek Culture (in Arabic), Dar al-Adāb, Beirut [pp. 11-15].
2000 Preface to Noam Chomsky, Le Nouvel Humanisme militaire. Leçons du Kosovo, Page deux, Lausanne [pp. 7-19].
2022 “Morbid Symptoms: What Did Gramsci Really Mean?”
- Notebooks: The Journal for Studies on Power, Leiden, n. 1 [pp. 379-387, Open Access].
2021 “Failing to Learn the Lessons of Vietnam, Again”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, November
- Published in several languages.
2021 “Hegemony, Domination, Corruption and Fraud in the Arab Region”
- Middle East Critique, Abingdon, UK, vol. 30, n.1 [pp. 57-66, Open Access].
2021 “On the ‘Arab Inequality Puzzle’: A Rejoinder”
- Development and Change, The Hague, vol. 53, n. 2 [pp. 459-466].
2020 “Révolutions et contre-Révolutions, Qu’en dit le politologue ?”
- Interview, Confluences Méditerranée, Paris, n. 115 [pp. 37-48].
2020 “The Arab Spring, a Decade Later”
- Interview, Catalyst, New York, vol .4, n. 3 [pp. 38-59].
2020 “Cent ans de sujétion”
- Manière de voir, Paris, n. 174, December [pp. 6-10].
2020 “The Great Lockdown Hits the Third World Hard”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, November
- Published in several languages.
2020 “On the ‘Arab Inequality Puzzle’: The Case of Egypt”
- Development and Change, The Hague, vol. 51, n. 3, May [pp. 746-770, Open Access].
- Published in Arabic as a brochure by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Tunis.
2020 “La montée des mouvements religieux ne peut être dissociée de la mutation néolibérale”
- Interview, La Revue internationale et stratégique, IRIS, Paris, n. 117 [pp. 129-135].
2020 “From One Arab Spring to Another”, article, Radical Philosophy, London, n. 207, Spring [pp. 5-8]
- Published in Arabic (Romman, website).
2020 “Sudan’s Revolution at a Crossroads”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, May
- Published in several languages.
2020 “Al-Sharq al-Awsat wa Hisabat Donald Trump al-Intikhabiyya”
- Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, Beirut, n. 122, Spring 2020 [pp. 18-21].
2020 “Washington and Tehran’s Dance over Iraq: Iraqis Want Both Countries Out”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, February, and The Nation, New York, 12 February
- Published in several languages.
2020 “On the Undying Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa”
- Interview, Marxist Left Review, Melbourne, Summer
- Published in several languages.
2019 “Révolutions arabes: que pouvons-nous espérer?”
- Interview, Humanités, La Roche-sur-Yon, n. 24, September [pp. 55-59].
2019 “The seasons after the Arab Spring”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, June, and The Nation, New York, 25 June
- Published in several languages.
2018 “Marxismes et islams : religion et politique”
- Actuel Marx, Paris, 2018/2, n. 64 [101-111].
2018 “The Saudi predicament”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, March
- Published in several languages.
2018 “La dualité du projet sioniste”
- Manière de voir, Palestine : un peuple, une colonisation, Paris, February/March [pp. 7-11].
2018 “Morbid Symptoms: What Did Gramsci Mean and How Does It Apply to Our Time?”
- International Socialist Review, Chicago, Spring [pp. 30-37]
- Spanish translation in Viento Sur, Madrid, n. 156, February 2018 [pp. 101-109]
- French translation in ContreTemps, online, 11 June 2018.
2017 “Al-‘Almaniyya Shart al-Hadatha wa La Taqaddum Biduniha”
- Alfaisal, King Faysal Center for Reasearch and Islamic Studies, Riyadh, n. 491-2, September-October [pp. 19-21].
2017 “Hal Yastati‘ al-Sha‘b Isqat al-Nizam wal-Dawla La Tazal Qa’ima?”
- Bidayat, Beirut, n. 16 [pp. 134-140].
2017 “En refusant d’aider l’opposition laïque et démocratique, les Etats-Unis ont soutenu Bachar al-Assad”
- Interview, La Cité, Geneva, n. 84, April [pp. 20-21].
2016 “Gilbert Achcar on the Arab Upheaval–Facts and Fiction”
- Interview, Journal of Balkan & Near Eastern Studies, London, vol. 18, n. 1, February [pp. 1-15].
2016 “Islamic fundamentalism, the Arab Spring, and the Left”
- Interview, International Socialist Review, Chicago, n. 103, Winter [pp. 18-30].
2016 “Hizar Fakh Netanyahu”
- Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, Beirut, vol. 27, n. 105, Winter [pp. 12-15].
2015 “Banners of protest”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris, July
- Published in several languages.
2015 “Impasse rentière du monde arabe: entretien avec Gilbert Achcar”
- Interview, Economia, Souissi-Rabat, n. 24, June [pp. 27-32].
2014 “After the Arab Spring: Conversation with Professor Gilbert Achcar”
- Interview, FAZ, London-Islamabad, n. 01, Winter [pp. ].
2014 “Le monde arabe entre nouvelle étape révolutionnaire et risque de régression”
- Interview, in ContreTemps, Paris, n. 20, 1st Quarter [pp. 11-19].
2013 “Le capitalisme extrême des Frères musulmans”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris, June
- Published in several languages.
2012 “Que peuvent les classes moyennes ? Retour sur le ‘printemps arabe’”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris, May
- Published in several languages.
2012 “Eichmann in Cairo: The Eichmann Affair in Nasser’s Egypt”
- Arab Studies Journal, Washington, vol. XX, n. 1, Spring [pp. 74-103]
- Arabic translation in Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyya, Beirut, vol. 26, n. 102, Spring 2015 [pp. 93-120].
2012 “Arab Uprisings: Geopolitics, Strategies and Adjustment”
- Interview in Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, London, n. 5 (2012) [pp. 7-14].
2011 “Der arbeitenden Bevölkerung fehlt eine eigenständige politische Vertretung”
- Interview, in Emanzipation, Salzburg, vol. I, n. 2, Autumn [pp. 81-92].
2011 “Assessing Holocaust Denial in Western and Arab Contexts”
- Journal of Palestine Studies, Washington, vol. XLI, n. 1, Autumn [pp. 82-95].
2011 “Europe and the Arab Spring”
- Government Gazette, London, September [p. 30] and October [p. 99].
2011 “The Perils of People Power”
- American Review, Sidney, n. 5, August [pp. 49-54].
2011 “Die Ausläufer der Schockwelle”
- Interview in Springerin, Vienna, vol. XVII, n. 3, Summer [pp. 30-34].
2011 “Eine historische Chance für die Linke”
- Interview in Marx 21, Berlin, n. 20, April-May [pp. 35-38].
2011 “Libyen – eine notwendige Debatte”
- Das Argument, Karlsruhe, vol. 53/2, n. 291, March-April [pp. 186-192].
2011 Die Shoa und der arabisch-israelische Konflikt: Beiträge zu einem schwierigen Thema
- pamphlet, Berlin: AphorismA-Verlag [36 pp.].
2010 “‘An al-‘Arab wa al-Mahraqa al-Nāziyya”
- in Al-Adāb, Beirut, vol. 58, n. 9-10, September-October [pp. 89-95].
2010 “L’intellectuel symbolique : Notes sur la marge des Mémoires de Daniel Bensaïd”
- in Lignes, Paris, n. 32, May [pp. 11-20, [pp. 11-30, published online at ContreTemps, 6 November 2018].
2010 “Blame the Grand Mufti” / “Inusable grand mufti de Jérusalem”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, May
- Published in several languages.
2010 “Al-Yasār al-‘Arabi: Hiwār Ajrāhu Wā’il ‘Abdul-Rahīm”
- in Al-Adāb, Beirut, vol. 58, n. 4-5, April-May [pp. 41-46].
2009 “Fi al-Barnāmaj al-Istrātīji lil-Nidāl al-Taharruri al-Filastīni”
- in Al-Adāb, Beirut, vol. 57, n. 9-10, September-October 2009 [pp. 77-81]
- a rejoinder to a discussion of the article above was published in the same review, vol. 57, n. 11-12, November-December [pp. 95-96].
2009 “The Right to Movement and the Right to Development”, Europa, London, May, p. 9.
2008 “Religion and Politics Today from a Marxian Perspective” (from Socialist Register 2008)
- Persian translation in Arash, Montmagny (France), July [pp. 34-41]
- Arabic translation in Al-Adāb, Beirut, vol. 56, n. 12, December [pp. 59-70].
2008 “Orientalism in Reverse: Post-1979 Trends in French Orientalism”
- French translation in Mouvements, Paris, n. 54, June-August [pp. 128-144]
- Radical Philosophy, London, n. 151, September-October [pp. 20-30]
- Arabic translation in Al-Adāb, Beirut, vol. 56, n. 10/11, October-November [pp. 41-52].
2008 “États-Unis – L’assurance ultime : la suprématie militaire”
- Interview, in La Brèche, Lausanne, n. 3, June-August [pp. 14-20]
- English translation in International Socialist Review, Chicago, September-October [pp. 36-41] (also posted on ZNet and several other websites)
- Spanish translation in Herramienta, Buenos Aires, Año XII, n. 39, October [pp. 35-50].
2008 “The U.S. is sowing the seeds of a long term tragedy”
- Interview, in Mesele, Istanbul, n. 18, June [pp. 15-22]
- English translation on ZNet, June (several other websites and languages).
2008 “The Deepening Crisis: Islam and the Structure of Global Power”
- roundtable discussion, The Humanist, Washington, vol. 67, n. 2, March/April [pp. 16-20].
2006 “Les desseins impériaux à l’épreuve du réel”
- Interview, in Mouvements, Paris, n. 47/48, September-December [pp. 158-166]
- English translation in Z Magazine, Woods Hole (MA), October [pp. 32-38]
- Spanish translation in Viento Sur, Madrid, n. 89, November [pp. 41-50].
2006 “Getting Out of Iraq”
- with Stephen Shalom, New Politics, New York, vol. X, n. 4, Winter [pp. 5-10].
2006 “Corcuff et la théorie du complot”
- ContreTemps, Paris, n. 17, September [pp. 159-170].
2006 “Die Lage im Irak”
- Inamo, Berlin, n. 47, Autumn [pp. 47-50].
2006 “Der 33-Tage Krieg und die Resolution 1701 des UN-Sicherheitsrats”
- Inamo, Berlin, n. 47, Autumn [pp. 28-31].
2006 “Die „besondere Beziehung“ zwischen den USA und Israel”
- Inamo, Berlin, n. 45, Spring [pp. 38-42].
2005 “Sofortiger Rückzug der US-Truppen aus dem Irak?! Eine Debatte zwischen Juan Cole und Gilbert Achcar”
- Inamo, Berlin, n. 44, Winter [pp. 27-30].
2005 “L’actualité d’Ernest Mandel”
- Inprecor, Paris, n. 507-508, July-August; available online at Inprecor; republished online at ContreTemps, 28 December 2015.
2005 “Las relaciones internacionales hoy. ¿Quién diría que éste es un mundo más seguro?”
- Interview, in Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política, copublished by UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Espagne) and UNAM (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México), Madrid, n. 25, July [pp. 140-146].
2005 “Arab spring: late and cold” / “Chances et aléas du printemps arabe”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, July
- Published in several languages.
2005 “Où va l’Irak ? L’occupation états-unienne et le mouvement anti-guerre après les élections”
- Une Suisse sans armée, bulletin du GSSA, Genève, n. 65, Spring
- Spanish translation in Viento Sur, Madrid, n. 80, May.
2005 “Mondialisation, ordre mondial et mouvement pour la paix”
- Interview, in “Barbaries, résurgences, résistances”, Variations, n. 1 (nouvelle série), Parangon, Lyon, Spring [pp. 61-68].
2005 “Marxismes et Religion, hier et aujourd’hui”
- in “À quels saints se vouer ? Espaces publics et religions”, ContreTemps, Paris, n. 12, February [pp. 176-189]
- English translation posted on ZNet, USA, 21 March, and several other websites;
- Spanish translation in Viento Sur, Madrid, n. 81, July [pp. XXX]
- Persian translation in Arash, Montmagny (France), July [pp. 57-63].
2004 “Maxime Rodinson : Sur l’intégrisme islamique – Un entretien inédit”
- in “Islam et modernité”, Mouvements, Paris, n. 36, November-December [pp. 72-76]
- English translation in Middle East Report, Washington, n. 233, Winter [pp. 2-4].
2004 “El imperialismo americano en las llamas orientales”
- Interview, in Viento Sur, Madrid, n. 76, October [pp. 7-16].
2004 “Fantasy of a Region that Doesn’t Exist. Greater Middle East: the US plan” / “Le nouveau masque de la politique américaine au Proche-Orient”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, April
- published in several languages
- reprinted in Sous le sceau des croisades, Manière de Voir, Paris, n. 78, December 2004-January 2005.
2004 “US Imperial Strategy in the Middle East”
- Monthly Review, New York, vol. 55, n. 9, February [pp. 23-36]
- Brazilian translation in Outubro, São Paulo, n. 11, 2d Semester [pp. 7-22].
2003 “Lettre à un/e militant/e antiguerre passablement déprimé/e”
- Le Passant Ordinaire, Bègles, n. 45/46, June-September [pp. 10-11].
2003 “La guerre d’Irak et l’instauration d’un ‘nouvel ordre impérial’”
- Interview, in Mouvement, Paris, n. 22, May-June [pp. 6-7].
2003 “Sur le mouvement anti-guerre et ses perspectives : réponse à Perry Anderson”
- Mouvements, Paris, n. 27/28, May-August [pp. 142-164].
2003 “Washington Watches over EU and Nato Expansion: Auxiliary Americans” / “L’OTAN à la conquête de l’Est”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, January
- published in several languages.
2002 “La mondialisation de la ‘manifest destiny’ des États-Unis”
- Recherches internationales, Paris, n. 4 [pp. 49-53].
2002 “Engels: theorist of war, theorist of revolution”
- International Socialism, London, n. 97, Winter [pp. 69-89].
2002 “Le Choc des barbaries. Le 11 septembre et ses lendemains”
- Contretemps, Paris, n. 3, January [pp. 9-28].
2001 “Wish Lists of Washington, Moscow and Beijing: A Trio of Soloists” / “Jeu triangulaire entre Washington, Moscou et Pékin”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, December
- published in several languages
- reprinted in L’Empire contre l’Irak, Manière de Voir, Paris, n. 67, January-February 2003.
2001 “The Spirit (and the Budget) of a New Cold War”
- The Spokesman, Bertand Russell Peace Foundation, Nottingham, n. 70 [pp. 28-33].
2001 “Small Forgotten Conflicts: Fin de siècle gloom” / “Bilans Stratégiques: Morosité ‘fin de siècle’”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, March
- published in several languages.
2000 “Le “pessimisme historique” de Perry Anderson”
- Actuel Marx, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, n. 28, 2d Semester [pp. 196-202]
- English translation in International Socialism, London, n. 88, Autumn [pp. 135-141]
- Brazilian translation in Lutas sociais, Pulsar, São Paulo, n. 8, 1st Semester [pp. 79-85].
2000 “Le monde au seuil du XXIe siècle”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris, January.
1999 “La sociologie du pouvoir chez Ibn Khaldoun – une lecture wébérienne”
- Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, vol. CVII, July-December [pp. 369-388].
1999 “Is NATO’s Onslaught a ‘Just War’?”
- Monthly Review, New York, vol. 51, n. 2, June [pp. 15-19]
- Labour Focus on Eastern Europe, London, n. 63, Summer [pp. 36-43]
- Spanish translation in Marx Ahora, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Havana, n. 9, 2000 [pp. 141-145].
1999 “How Nato Survived the Cold War: Eastward bound” / “L’OTAN: Toujours plus à l’Est”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, April
- published in several languages
- reprinted in La nouvelle guerre des Balkans, Manière de Voir, Paris, n. 45, May.
1999 “Libéralisme et néo-babouvisme aux sources du marxisme”
- L’Homme et la Société, revue internationale de recherches et de synthèses en sciences sociales, L’Harmattan, Paris, n. 132-133, April-September (1999/2-3) [pp. 53-80]
- Spanish translation in Marx Ahora, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Havana, n. 14, 2002 [pp. 49-67].
1998 “Halting the Proliferation of Chemical and Biological Weapons: The spectre of bioterrorism” / “Le spectre du ‘bioterrorisme’”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, July
- published in several languages
- reprinted in Penser le XXIe siècle, Manière de Voir, Paris, n. 52, July 2000.
1998 “The Strategic Triad: the United States, Russia and China”
- New Left Review, London, n. 228, March/April [pp. 91-126]
- Abridged version of the French original in Cahiers d’Études Stratégiques, Groupe de Sociologie de la Défense, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, n. 21, June [pp. 67-94].
1997 “The Arab World: Absence of democracy” / “Le monde arabe orphelin de la démocratie”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris/London, June
- published in several languages
- reprinted in Proche-Orient, rebâtir la paix, Manière de Voir, Paris, n. 54, November 2000.
1995 “Les Nations unies au fil des objectifs américains”
- Le Monde diplomatique, Paris, October
- published in several languages
- reprinted in Le nouveau modèle américain, Manière de Voir, Paris, n. 31, August 1996.
1995 “Genèse du Léviathan impérial américain” et “Empire, impérial, impérialisme”
- Actuel Marx, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, n. 18, 2d Semester [pp. 85-104]
- Spanish translation in Marx Ahora, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Havana, n. 10, 2000 [pp. 139-149].
1994 “Le sionisme et la paix : Du plan Allon aux Accords de Washington”
- L’Homme et la Société, revue internationale de recherches et de synthèses en sciences sociales, L’Harmattan, Paris, n. 114, October-December (1994/4) [pp. 7-25]
- English translation in New Politics, New York, vol. V, n. 3, Summer 1995 [pp. 95-115]
- Arabic translation in Al Mustaqbal Al ‘Arabi, Centre for Arab Unity Studies, Beirut, n. 195, May 1995 [pp. 10-24]
1991 The Gulf War and the New World Order, with André Gunder Frank, IIRE, Amsterdam.
1991 Bush Imperator: Guerre du Golfe et Nouvel Ordre Mondial, La Brèche, Paris
- Editor; co-author with André Gunder Frank, Abraham Serfaty, Michel Warschawski and Marcello Weksler;
1989 Palestina : Dove va l’OLP ?, Nuove Edizioni Internazionali, Milan.
1983 The Israeli Invasion of Lebanon and its Consequences, Beirut (in Arabic).
1981 Reader on Bureaucracy, Dar at-Talī‘a, Beirut (in Arabic)
- selection, translation and introduction.
1978 Power Relations in the Arabian Peninsula, FMA, Beirut.
1978 Sobre el nuevo capital financiero arabe e irani, Ediciones El Caballito, Mexico
- Spanish translation of the 1975 debate with Ernest Mandel.
1977 The Arab and International War in Lebanon, Beirut (in Arabic).
1975-1977 Several files on the economy, institutions and politics of Arab countries, Arab World File, Beirut.
1976 The Civil War in Lebanon, Beirut (in Arabic).
1975 “L’émergence d’un nouveau mythe”
- Debate with Ernest Mandel on ‘Arab and Iranian financial capital’, in Critiques de l’économie politique, Maspero, Paris, n. 22, October-December 1975.
1974 Tertiary Sector and Development: The Service Sector in the Lebanese Economy, Research Centre of the Institute of Social Sciences – Lebanese University, Beirut (in Arabic)
1972 For Lenin. Problems of the Arab Revolution in the articles of the journal Al--Munadil, Dar al-Ittihād, Beirut (in Arabic).
- Editor and co-author.